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El Cabo

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לעילוי נשמת יחיאל מיכאל הלוי והר׳ שמואל הכהן


Welcome to your Mexican home away from home

Welcome to El Cabo, a whole new concept in Chabad summer camping for boys entering mesivta.


Several years ago, Hashem gifted us with a beautiful girls camp.


It was small, which allowed the experience to be personalized and focused on loving each neshama we were entrusted with, along with stressing positive yiddishkeit.


Watching the incredible response was so humbling. It became abundantly clear just how desperately such a camp was needed.


Now, with growing boys of our own ka”H, it’s time to extend the concept to young bochurim.


Enter “El Cabo”.


We are legit terrified, but feel so motivated to share our shlichus, our paradise and our passion for yiddishkeit with these young gems.


Will you join us?



All boys and staff. incluiding directors will be housed in one hotel for the duration of camp.

laundry will be collected and delivered clean, once a week.

All meals will be cooked and served on premises.

Learning Curriculum


Davening and learning will go into the early afternoon.

Our curriculum will be guided by a Chabad Rosh Yeshiva as well as Yeshiva summer program directors.

We will BezH update the information as soon as it is finalized



Bochurim leave the hotel every day to the Chabad house, as well as sports areas and outings.

Trips will include horseback riding, atv’ing, snorkeling (in remote empty beaches), water park (rented exclusively for El Cabo) and more.

Ages, Dates and Pricing


El Cabo is catered to Chabad boys coming out of 8th grade, getting ready to enter into mesivta.


Camp will run from 

Monday, August 5, 2024 (1 Av) - Monday, August 26 (22 av)


The cost of camp will be $2900usd,

  • Please be aware that there is a lot of hiking, swimming, exposure to animals and rugged living. KNOW if your child will thrive or is not yet ready to be in a foreign environment. We are here to protect, love and guide the campers to navigate through camp seamlessly.

  • That job will be smoother if campers are up to the challenge.

  • Price of camp does not include airfare

  • We aim to give each bochur the best possible experience, which costs more than a usual mainstream camp. We would love to give scholarships. As of now it is not yet possible.

  • Click here if youd like to donate towards tuition for Shluchim and other families in need of a break.

Get in touch with us

Contact Us

Thanks for submitting!

Text us:
(Rabbi Benny) +52-624-133-0489
(Sonia) +52-624-186-4602

The Cabo Jewish Center is located at:
Camino de la Plaza 135, 
Cabo San Lucas, BCS, MX

Dates and prices
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